I am a graduate from the University of Auckland, New Zealand with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Biological Science and a Graduate Certificate in Public Administration from the University of the South Pacific. I am currently working with Tonga Public Service Commission as Deputy Secretary for Corporate Services and Human Resources Management. I have been with the Tonga Public Service for 12 years now.
Procurement matters has always been an interest of mine, given my current role as Head of Corporate Services which handles all procurement matters for the Office of the Public Service Commission. I have always wanted to improve my knowledge about procurement given my non-financial management background.
I really enjoyed the course and new concepts about procurement, especially governance and ethical issues. The fact that the course was all done online was a plus for me as it really fits in well with my busy schedule at work. I would encourage all procurement professionals to take up the course, as it updates your knowledge about the current best practice on procurement, plus having good procurement knowledge and processes ensures that we get value for money for our organisations.
