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Hall of Fame
Mr. Samba Diop

My educational qualifications include a Msc in Electric Machine and Electrical Equipment from North China Electric Power University China-Beijing. I have a total of 8 years experience in renewable energy sector and agro-business. I am working as a project manager at African Biofuel and Renewable Energy Company (ABREC-Togo)

As the coordinator of a Regional Program to boost agriculture activities using solar energy in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), i have experienced public procurement procedures to hire companies to conduct feasibility study, to provide equipments and installation in eight countries.

My reasons of doing CPPP were to:

  • Have a comprehensive knowledge that covers theoretical aspects, modern methods & trends and also good practices in Public Procurement;
  • Improve bidding documents;
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the public sector business environment;
  • Develop valuable specialist skills for purchasing, procurement and contracting;

Public procurement is a key tool to the overall achievements of development goals such as reducing poverty and providing health, infrastructure, education and other services therefore contribute to best utilization of public resources.

Due to limited public resources in developing countries especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa, commitment towards professionalization of public procurement is a key to get the most out of these resources.

I recommend everyone to gain from this learning opportunity given by the World Bank . This course gives a deep understanding of all aspects in public procurement procedures, it covers topics such as best practices for developing specifications, procedures used during the procurement process, how to write the Request for Tender document, implementing the public procurement process, and the ethics associated with the procurement process. This course also highlights the negative impact of lack of transparency, corruption, collusion etc.

I believe that after learning this course you will be able to efficiently manage the resources to better contribute to the development of your community and country



Mr. Samba Diop





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