I have a Bachelor’s degree in Instrumentation Technology from Malanad college of Engineering in Hassan, Karnataka, and have worked for sixteen years with M/s Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. I have been dealing with Materials management for the past eight years while pursuing an MBA. I was interested in Public Procurement to get an overview of the field and to understand the rationale behind Public Procurement decisions. I aim to improve my domain knowledge and to understand the rationale behind Public Procurement decisions.
I maintain my commitment towards the professionalization of Public Procurement is through my primary orientation to the organization. I prefer to give prime importance to a high degree of self-control of behavior through codes of ethics rather than Individual interests.
Professionalism will continue to make Government purchasing a marketable and viable career choice with a focus on ethics to ensure that the behaviour of purchasing professions meets independently established behavioural criteria.
My message to the audience would be that Transparency is the best professional policy.